December 6th, 2007 | by admin | as Host is one of the oldest web hosting companies that has been providing consistent solutions to thousands of business and personal web sites since 1996. With a first class infrastructure comprised of an excellent data center equipped with top end servers, HostMonster is considered one of the most reliable hosting providers in the world.
When it comes to hosting, HostMonster chose to provide only one robust internet hosting plan that is intended for both businesses owners and individuals. The package on offer is extremely full-bodied and provides a high powered service at a fraction of the cost. The hosting plan has successfully presented customers with an affordable and completely functional solution whilst still managing to maintain the performance characteristics that will satisfy even the most demanding individuals. As mentioned before the packaged is very affordable seeing as it only costs $5.95mo, but that is not all. HostMonster has taken the liberty to include all the best applications and features not to mention the generous bandwidth, to make this one of the best deals found anywhere on the internet. The package includes an enormous 600gb of hosting space, a mind blowing 6000gb of data transfer, 100 MySQL databases and unlimited parked domains. Most people would be more than content with these characteristics but HostMonster thought it wasn’t good enough. Some of the extra features include unlimited email accounts, unlimited subdomains, unlimited FTP accounts, free sitebuilder and to make the deal a whole lot sweeter, a free domain. Because HostMonster really wants to help turn every site into a profitable business all hosting plans include free search engines submissions, free $50 Yahoo credit and a free $50 Google credit, it just doesn’t get any better than this.
HostMonster offers reliable hosting services but it is also known for providing exceptional customer and technical support. With around the clock server monitoring, mirrored storage backups and UPS power backup the changes are most people won’t ever need to contact the friendly customer support. Potential customers can contact sales support 24/7 by calling the toll free sales number. Furthermore the site is conveniently structured so ordering shouldn’t take longer than a few minutes.
Payment is easy and convenient and all major credit cards are accepted. Other payment options available on the Agora Shopping Cart include 2Checkout, AgoraPay,, eWay, iTransact, LinkPoint Connect, PayFlow Link, PayPal, PayPal IPN, Plug ‘n Pay, ProPay, PsiGate and Verisign PayFlow Link. The payment options offered are considered by us one of the best on the market since it supports nearly all services imaginable.
We highly recommend to anyone looking for an affordable and reliable hosting solution. The hosting package is literally phenomenal since it represents a great deal and manages to provide all the true features needed to run a website. We were unable to find any negative aspects be it in terms of price, reliability, quality or content. receives a score of 5 out of 5 and is regarded by us the best hosting provider reviewed up until this point.
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